The Cynhadledd flynyddol (AUDE) 2025 | AUDE Conference 2025 inspires and encourages members to consider the topical and critical issues that face our sector and the wider world. Our conference also provides unrivalled opportunities for networking, sharing knowledge and expertise, hearing from sector leaders and joining in lively, challenging but overall convivial discussions and debates. The theme of the 2025 conference is Cynefin - A place where we feel we belong.
The AUDE Conference steering committee are busy working behind the scenes planning the 2025 programme. This page will be updated regularly with speaker and session information. The programme is also subject to change.
Please click to expand each session below to find out more about them.
This tour is open to pre-booked AUDE members and international guests only.
This walking tour will take in the most important landmarks, buildings and figures from 2,000 years of Cardiff history, as well as some wider Welsh history and culture.
Hilton Cardiff
Welcome to the conference address from Steve Jordan Conference Chair
Hilton Cardiff
The Ballroom, Hilton Cardiff
Further transfer details will be available shortly.
Y Neuadd Fawr, Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd | The Great Hall, Cardiff Students' Union
Canolfan Bywyd y Myfyrwyr | Centre for Student Life, CSL
Speakers: Philippa Thomas, Conference Host, Anita Edson, Director of Estates, Cardiff University and Dr Paula Sanderson, Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary, Cardiff University
Darlithfa Syr Stanley Thomas OBE | Sir Stanley Thomas OBE Lecture Theatre, CSL
Today’s universities face a whole set of challenges. This session describes how Cardiff University co-created its vision and strategy to 2035 ‘Our future, together’ with staff, students, and stakeholders, and how this future vision - and the engagement and design methodologies that underpinned it - is informing a comprehensive re-think of the estate and a new masterplan for the campus.
Speakers: Professor Peter Madden, OBE. Professor of Practice in Future Cities, Cardiff University and Professor Juliet Davis, Head of the Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University
Darlithfa Syr Stanley Thomas OBE | Sir Stanley Thomas OBE Lecture Theatre, CSL
Darlithfa Syr Stanley Thomas OBE | Sir Stanley Thomas OBE Lecture Theatre, CSL
JLL Headline Supporter - speakers will be announced shortly
This session will explore new sector-wide guidance focused on the prevention of suicide and near-fatal self-harm, and the role all colleagues can play in contributing directly to a whole institution approach to prevention. He guidance, Collective Responsibility, Collective Action to Prevent Student Suicide sets out practical steps to reduce risk and physical access to means to do harm, and to improve the psychological and emotional environment in which students live, study and work. It draws on evidence from research, serious incident reviews and inquests, and the guidance that has emerged is based on consensus. The session will include several case studies to provide additional context and the aim is to help all participants understand how different roles within their institution can contribute, as well as learning how the guidance can act as a tool for service directors and team leaders to support them to plan and deliver change.
Speaker: Dr Simon Merrywest, Executive Director for the Student Experience, University of Manchester
This workshop will be based on how Cardiff Metropolitan University leveraged data-driven insights and IoT technology to put people first in redefining its approach to campus development. The session will explore the role of technology in informing our understanding of utilisation, the internal environment of buildings, and addressing the performance gap to reduce energy consumption, carbon and cost. Attendees will learn how the Cardiff Met project exposed gaps between perception and reality in space usage; enhanced environmental efficiency; identified opportunities for significant cost and carbon reductions that resulted in a £5.1M, 402T CO2 saving in year 1; and led to subsequent savings in energy consumption with relevance to all buildings. This session will evidence the scale of opportunity to use technology to support estate leaders to prioritise investment, to inform the briefing process for new facilities, (re)validate commissioning.
Speaker: Graham Lewis, Executive Lead for Sustainable Estates Transformation, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Universities put significant time into collecting estates data for HESA. How can you ensure you’re getting the most out of the data, and giving insightful analysis to senior management. There is an increasing focus on the size and shape of estates. How can HESA estates data be used to understand how your institution uses its space?
The session will include:
1. A quick recap on EMR over the last 10 years, with some highlights of the key changes over the decade.
2. The inclusion of depreciation and amortisation costs, what’s included and what isn’t. How this represents a better summary of total costs. Some of the issues and challenges that it raises.
3. Developing appropriate space metrics to assess your institution’s performance in a range of areas.
4. How can you use this information to look in more detail at your own institution and identify areas of differential space use. 5. Recent patterns emerging from the data and what this may tell us about the future.
Speakers: Paul Morris, Director of Capital Development & Estate Operations, Lancaster University and George Griffith, Director Provelio
The workshop interactively discusses "hybrid working" dilemmas from Campus NL (research 2023-2027), sharing their office use data (utilization studies > 100 buildings) and their visions on the future. The rise of hybrid working on Dutch campuses (Campus NL) has given two potential extreme strategies for the future campus.
These are: (1) “we are a campus university” where physical presence, community and personal encounters are cherished; (2) “embrace the hybrid reality”, which facilitates individual choices and working from home. In contrast to these extremities, there is also a third (more passive) “just wait and see” strategy, reconsidering individual territory and making the work environment more flexible. In this workshop, dilemmas of these strategies will be discussed, not only affecting the costs and carbon footprint of the campus but also HR, education and research. In this strategic quest, evidence-based knowledge exchange between universities (nationally and internationally) is essential.
Speakers: Prof. dr. ir. Alexandra den Heijer, Professor of Public Real Estate and Jasmine Bacani, PhD researcher at TU Delft
Y Neuadd Fawr, Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd | The Great Hall, Cardiff Students' Union
This interactive keynote will help you to do the following: - Understand the neuroscience of your mind. - Profile your unique Chimp system. - Identify who you really are and how to bring those qualities more and more to daily life. - Start to spot unhelpful beliefs and behaviours which you would like to change and turn them into more helpful strategies, making your life more fulfilling and happier.
Speaker: Jess Wall, Psychological Skills Mentor, Chimp Management
Darlithfa Syr Stanley Thomas OBE | Sir Stanley Thomas OBE Lecture Theatre, CSL
Y Neuadd Fawr, Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd | The Great Hall, Cardiff Students' Union
Join our colleagues from America, Australia and South Africa as we explore how they have created universities where staff and students feel they belong and hear some of the trends and policy decisions impacting on higher education more broadly.
Speakers: Dave Irvin, Chair of APPA and former Director of Auburn University, Lindokuhle Mzolo, Campus Facilities Manager, University of Johannesburg representing HEFMA and a representative from TEFMA
Chair: Syd Cottle, Director of Estates Management, University of Liverpool and AUDE Chair
Darlithfa Syr Stanley Thomas OBE | Sir Stanley Thomas OBE Lecture Theatre, CSL
Darlithfa Syr Stanley Thomas OBE | Sir Stanley Thomas OBE Lecture Theatre, CSL
Further transfer details will be available shortly.
Coach transfer is approximately 11 minutes.
Coaches will depart at approx. 18:50 and 19:00.
Alternatively Cardiff City FC is a 35 minute walk from the hotel.
Cardiff City FC
Cardiff City FC
Coach transfer is approximately 11 minutes.
Coaches will depart at approx. 22:30, 22:45 and 23:00.
Alternatively Cardiff City FC is a 35 minute walk to the hotel.
Further transfer details will be available shortly.
Y Neuadd Fawr, Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd | The Great Hall, Cardiff Students' Union
Canolfan Bywyd y Myfyrwyr | Centre for Student Life, CSL
Speaker: Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson Britain's most celebrated Paralympic athlete
Darlithfa Syr Stanley Thomas OBE | Sir Stanley Thomas OBE Lecture Theatre, CSL
Y Neuadd Fawr, Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd | The Great Hall, Cardiff Students' Union
Overbury Headline Supporter - speakers will be announced shortly
The University of Nottingham, in common with many similar research intensive universities, has a very large estate which requires significant upkeep and investment, and which suffers from poor space utilisation. Working and teaching patterns have changed since Covid, and our community needs an estate that can effectively support those changing needs. Achieving this in the current financial climate poses a significant challenge. In this workshop we will introduce our new programme of work to reshape our estate into one which is smaller, more financially and environmentally sustainable, and which better supports the needs of the community that live, work and study here. We will discuss our approach to delivering a target 20% reduction in our estate footprint while also promoting interdisciplinarity and collaboration. We will also highlight some of our key findings from consulting with our academic and student communities.
Speakers: Gary Moss, Director of Estates, University of Nottingham and Laura Armitage, Director of Estate Masterplanning, University of Nottingham
Speakers will be announced shortly
This workshop will explore innovative approaches to embedding the "Voice of the Customer" in capital project briefs within the higher education sector. By engaging with best practices both within and beyond the sector, this work aims to provide actionable recommendations that will drive practical improvements to institutional performance and enhance user satisfaction. This workshop is being delivered by the 2024 AUDE Summer School Group Project Winners.
Speakers: Helen Shaw, Deputy Director of Estates – Campus Development, Cardiff University, Graeme Race, Senior Programme Manager, University of York, Sarah Anne Borg, Senior Executive - Architect and Civil Engineer, University of Malta, James Wright, Senior Maintenance Manager, University of Leeds and Tshisevhe Nesengani, Head of Department- Infrastructure Maintenance, University of Venda and Higher Education Facility Managers Association of Southern Africa (HEFMA)
This workshop examines lessons learned from a joint training exercise with South Yorkshire Police Firearms Training Unit, in preparation for the forthcoming Terrorism Protection of Premises Bill. This is believed to be the first of its kind in the UK, and was attended by South Yorkshire Police, University of Sheffield Staff and Local resilience Forum partners. The attendees were from gold, silver and bronze levels of both organisations and used a scenario was based on a Marauding attack in two of the University's key 'crowded space' teaching buildings. The training gave the police the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the unique university environment and apply their processes in a less conventional location. University staff gained a detailed understanding of the likely emergency services response to an attack and how University resources, staff and knowledge will be crucial to the response.
Speaker: Simon Verrall, Security Operations Manager, University of Sheffield
Y Neuadd Fawr, Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd | The Great Hall, Cardiff Students' Union
Universities have seen and will see mergers and the need for shared services. How can we prepare for this, what can we learn from those who have been through it and what might the future of HE look like in these uncertain financial times.
Speakers: Rachel Hewitt, Chief Executive, MillionPlus, The Association for Modern Universities, Vanessa Wilson, CEO, University Alliance and Jenny Higham, Vice-Chancellor, University of Suffolk
Darlithfa Syr Stanley Thomas OBE | Sir Stanley Thomas OBE Lecture Theatre, CSL
Y Neuadd Fawr, Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd | The Great Hall, Cardiff Students' Union
Speaker: Roger Martin-Fagg, Behavioural Economist, Martin-Fagg Associates Ltd
Darlithfa Syr Stanley Thomas OBE | Sir Stanley Thomas OBE Lecture Theatre, CSL
Speaker: TBC
Darlithfa Syr Stanley Thomas OBE | Sir Stanley Thomas OBE Lecture Theatre, CSL
Speaker: TBC
Darlithfa Syr Stanley Thomas OBE | Sir Stanley Thomas OBE Lecture Theatre, CSL
Further transfer details will be available shortly.
Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd | National Museum Cardiff is a 5 minute walk from the hotel.
Shuttle bus transfers available (limited spaces)
Bus transfer is approximately 5 minutes.
Bus will depart at 18:45, 18:50 and 18:55.
Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd | National Museum Cardiff
Awards host Colin Jackson CBE
Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd | National Museum Cardiff
The Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd | National Museum Cardiff is a 5 minute to the hotel.
Shuttle bus transfers available (limited spaces).
Bus transfer is approximately 5 minutes.
Bus will depart at 23:10, 23:20 and 23:40.