21 August 2024
Martin Higgs, AUDE Communications and Campaigns Manager
PLEASE NOTE that this article was updated on 13 January 2025 to make mention of two new Powerpoint/pdf resources aimed at supporting colleagues in their explanatory conversations with senior leaders in their institutions about the financial viability of major decarbonisation works. Please see the bottom of this article for relevant links.
We are very pleased to be able to publish our new tool ‘A Guide to Decarbonisation’, a project commissioned from Arup. Every AUDE member university knows that decarbonisation of the estate sits high on the institutional task list, but it can seem daunting in terms of both cost and process. Where do we start? How do we finance the multiple sub-projects involved, and schedule them into a coherent plan of action that aligns with corporate strategy? How do we prioritise between the options available to us and consider our own unique position as universities in the decisions we make?
We are very grateful to the partner group of organisations that have supported the development of the guide, which includes BUFDG, HESPA GuildHE, the EAUC as well as to Arup of course.
We know that universities are at different stages of maturity in their thinking on this issue. The Guide will support members whether their planning is at a ‘Foundation’ level, or at a point where ‘Enhanced Plans’ are needed, where the thinking is far enough evolved that real questions of detail can be considered, and the workings of corporate planning are ever more robust.
Andy Nolan, Chair of AUDE’s Sustainability Advisory Group said: ‘The guide will help you develop your decarbonisation plan. With practical advice and specifications it draws on the expertise of our members and partners in supporting you in this fundamental activity. If you are about to procure consultancy advice for a decarbonisation plan, read the guide first – it will help you ensure you get an output that is bespoke and targeted to what you need and avoid the pitfalls that others have faced.’
Andy Sheppard, Associate Director and Project Lead for Arup, said: ‘ Developing a Decarbonisation Plan takes resources, time, commitment and emotional energy. But a plan is not the end-point – it should fire the starting gun for ever increasing momentum. Only by implementing a plan and creating real-world emissions reductions will we slow climate breakdown. In our experience, barriers to decarbonisation are very rarely technical. This is reflected in this guide by the constant reference to internal collaboration and the need to reach outside the Estates Department. A plan that stretches across an institution can uncover or highlight existing wider barriers. Focussing on these barriers in a positive way rather than wishing they didn’t exist is the only way create real progress.’
For further information you can read an article from Andy Nolan published on Wonkhe. You can also download the new guide here.
Three webinars have taken place discussing the Guide to Decarbonisation. You can find the recordings on these links.
A Guide to Decarbonisation – introductory webinar 1: Foundation Plans
A Guide to Decarbonisation – introductory webinar 2: Enhanced Plans
An Introduction to AUDE's Guide to Decarbonisation for Strategic Planners
Please note that two resources are now available to support you in having difficult conversations within your universities around competing demands for finance. Do we maintain, retrofit, decarbonise...when we have difficult choices to make how do we steer the conversation? The presentation 'Retrofit or decarbonisation?' is available as both a Powerpoint deck and a pdf.