16 February 2023
Martin Higgs, AUDE Communications and Campaigns Manager
AUDE will be appointing a new Treasurer to take over from Andrew Burgess, Director of Estates, Facilities and Commercial Services, Lancaster University, when he retires at the end of April 2023. Andrew has spent 6 years in this role, and we are very grateful for his support and leadership.
We are inviting you to consider this opportunity.
Nominees should be the lead/main director of estates (or equivalent) from a subscribing institution of the association. They do not have to be currently serving on the Executive Committee. For further information about the role, please contact AUDE Executive Director Jane White - jane@aude.ac.uk.
Nominations and/or expressions of interest (emailed) must be received by the AUDE Secretary, Becky Bradshaw Becky.Bradshaw@northampton.ac.uk no later than 12 noon on Monday 6th March 2023. In the event of more than one nomination being received, you will be required to fill in a short personal statement document (we will provide this as a template) a vote taken by the Executive Committee via electronic means. The successful candidate will take up post after the AGM in April.
The AUDE Senior Executive Officer group comprises the Chair, Chair Elect, Past Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. A role descriptor can be seen within our volunteers handbook.
What’s expected (in brief)
Time commitments
We know this is a decision you will not make lightly and nor should you. To find out more and understand what this means for you and your time please contact any member of the Officers Group (details below).
Please also ensure you have the support of your line manager(s).
Chair Elect – Syd Cottle sjcottle@liverpool.ac.uk
Chair – Umesh Desai umesh.desai@ntu.ac.uk
Past Chair – Stephen Wells stephen.wells@uea.ac.uk
Treasurer – Andrew Burgess a.burgess4@lancaster.ac.uk
Secretary – Becky Bradshaw Becky.Bradshaw@northampton.ac.uk