
Chair Elect Vacancy

05 January 2024      Cheryl Pick, Strategic Projects Manager

AUDE will be appointing a new Chair Elect to take over from Syd Cottle, Director of Estates Management, University of Liverpool, when he becomes Chair at the next annual conference in April 2024. We are inviting members to take part in the selection process for this role.

Who can apply
Nominees should be the lead/main director of estates (or equivalent) from a subscribing institution of the association. They do not have to be currently serving on the Executive Committee. For further information about the role, please contact

How to apply
Nominations (written or emailed) must be received by the AUDE Secretary, Becky Bradshaw no later than 12 noon on Friday 23 Feb 2024, nominations need to be supported by three proposers, all of whom need to be AUDE members and Directors of Estates or equivalent. In the event of more than one nomination being received, an election will take place and a vote taken via electronic means ahead of the Annual General Meeting which takes place on the 16th April 2024.
About the role
The AUDE Senior Executive Officer group comprises the Chair, Chair Elect, Past Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. There is an automatic succession from Chair Elect to Chair and then Past Chair. A role descriptor can be seen within our volunteers handbook.

In applying for this role, interested candidates will want to take into account that AUDE have recently changed to the terms of office for this role. 

Chair Elect –       2 year term
AUDE Chair –     2 year term
Past Chair –        0 year term, it is expected that the past chair will support the current chair as they transition into the role, there is no formal requirement to attend Officers or Executive meetings but they would be welcomed to do so if they choose for a period of up to 2 years. 

The individual appointed as Chair Elect in April 2024 will therefore become Chair of the Association at the AGM in 2026.

At the 2024 AGM Umesh Desai, AUDE's current chair, will stand down where Syd Cottle will succeed him, leaving the vacancy for the Chair Elect. A list of current members of the AUDE Executive committee is available.

Details of the election process is also changing, should an election be necessary, we will require a short video statement that will be used for institutions to consider and vote via online means four weeks prior to the AGM.  The successful candidate will be announced at the AGM.

We know this is a decision you will not make lightly and nor should you. To find out more and understand what this means for you and your time please contact any member of the Officers Group.

Please also ensure you have the support of your line manager. 

Chair – Umesh Desai
Chair Elect – Syd Cottle
Past Chair – Stephen Wells 
Treasurer – Jerry Woods
Secretary – Becky Bradshaw

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