Date: Wednesday 2nd October
Time: 15.00 - 16.00
Venue: Teams
A Guide to Decarbonisation – introductory webinar 1: Foundation Plans
AUDE’s newly published ‘Guide to Decarbonisation’ is a fantastic new resource to help universities think from scratch about their plans for decarbonisation of the campus. Every AUDE member university knows that decarbonisation of the estate sits high on the institutional task list, but it can seem daunting in terms of both cost and process. Where do we start? How do we finance the multiple sub-projects involved, and schedule them into a coherent plan of action that aligns with corporate strategy? How do we prioritise between the options available to us and consider our own unique position as universities in the decisions we make?
Join Dr Roddy Yarr of the University of Glasgow and Andy Sheppard, Project Lead for Arup in the development of the guide, to explore the ‘Foundation Plans’ stage – getting up and running and harnessing the entire corporate effort. What are the essential steps that will set you on the path to decarbonisation in a robust and meaningful way.
We strongly advise delegates to download and engage with the guide before the session. Given the cross-campus nature of the challenge delegates representing AUDE, HESPA, BUFDG and CUBO are all welcome to join us. This hour long session will include time for Q&As, and will be recorded to support those that could not make it on the day.
While it is not essential to attend both introductory webinars about this publication, delegates will be interested in details of the second, which deals with ‘Enhanced Plans’ and will be held at 10am on 10 October.
This event will be CPD accredited: