This event will be presented online via Zoom. Part 1 on Wednesday 5 February and Part 2 on Wednesday 12 February plus the (on-demand) e-learning module - Intro to HE Finance
(Delegates will need to commit to attending both sessions plus complete the on-demand e-learning module before 5 February)
Timings: 9.30am - 1pm (on both days)
Universities are unique and complex organisations with a wide range of different stakeholders with often competing needs. Maximising the use of resources is key in the success of any of these and of course finance is one of the key resources that needs to be optimised.
We have worked over the years to improve understanding of university business models and demystify financial jargon, running a series of events and highly successful publications.
To take this to the next level we have partnered with Vivek Mehan (of www. who is a specialist in demystifying the perceived complexities of finance for non-accountants to develop a blended training programme.
Course programme
We have adopted a blended virtual training programme incorporating on-demand e-learning with live virtual classrooms thereby enabling you to learn more about the mysteries of finance wherever you are in the country!
The courses are interactive, engaging and even on occasion fun!
Module 1 – Intro to HE Finance
On-demand e-learning
This e-learning module gives a useful overview of HE Finance. It will introduce some of the terminology and concepts. Use this module to gain some understanding and to be able to ask questions in the classroom modules.
The course will cover:
Module 2 – Finance Fundamentals in HE
Virtual classroom
The first live virtual classroom will ensure that you have solid foundations to understand finance and budgeting within the HE sector.
Finance isn’t necessarily the “day job” for many managers and academics, however, they are increasingly an integral part of the role.
The aim of this course is to increase your confidence in dealing with finance, budgets and even finance staff. Demystifying some of the jargon used and ensuring that you have a solid understanding of finance, accounting and budgeting.
Through interactive discussions, exercises and case studies you will be better placed to understand your budgets prevent many of the common misconceptions that lead to challenges between finance and non finance colleagues.
The course will cover:
Module 3 – Budgeting for Non-Accountants in HE
Virtual classroom
Building on module 2 we will look at the practical application to budgets within your institution and give you chance to practice and understand the key elements in a safe environment.
This course will cover:
The courses are designed as a programme and are very interactive and organic, with the precise content depending on the needs of the delegates. Therefore the precise split between each “iteration” can vary so we encourage you to attend the sessions as they are advertised rather than “mixing and matching” .
As a “proper” interactive, training course this session will not be recorded, delegates are requested to have their cameras on and come prepared to participate.
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