
10 Things You Need to Know Now

04 August 2022      Martin Higgs, AUDE Communications and Campaigns Manager

With so much going on in the sustainability space we are all at risk of missing vital news, or of our chance to learn from a relevant project, or to be involved, and perhaps worst of all we are in danger of committing our own institutional spend towards answering questions that are already being solved elsewhere. In AUDE’s new regular ‘10 Things to Know Now’ Sustainability News we’ll be trying to steer you to the latest and most useful information from across the sector.

  1. Phase 3 of the Public Sector Low Carbons Skills Fund process was open for a 24 hour period from 15-16 June but closed rapidly after an oversubscription of high quality applications. If yours was one of them you should expect an outcome notification by 31 August.
  2. AUDE Business Partner SSE Energy Solutions contributed to the AUDE Estates Management Group Conference (20/21 June) with a case study based on their work at the University of Surrey – decarbonisation, heat systems, solar generation, biodiversity, academic research and more
  3. For those of you that were unable to attend one of our ‘Road to Net Zero’ regional sessions this summer, also delivered with the support of SSE, the presentation (which happens to be from our Bath Spa session but is widely applicable) is available for members to view. Other case studies were drawn from a wide variety of member universities and the list of those currently available includes…
  4. …the University of South Wales, QMUL, Birmingham City University, and Bath Spa
  5. …and we are also very happy to share the presentation ‘Decarbonising the university’ from Richard Smith, Head of Environmental Sustainability at the University of Manchester
  6. The joint meeting of our Sustainability and Capital Working Groups (17 June) included useful updates all of which can be found on our website:
    • Dan Jestico (Savills Earth) on the cost of empty space
    • Mark Dowson (Buro Happold) on the sustainable adaptation of existing buildings
    • The ADE (Association for Decentralised Energy) funding and policy update
    • The UUK written update
    • Fiona Goodwin (EAUC) gave a wide-ranging update
  7. The joint project which includes AUDE, BUFDG, EAUC, UUK and Energise to launch a carbon cost calculator, supported by the DfE, is in development – join us for ‘Decarbonising Your Campus‘ on 6 September (3pm) to learn more
  8. The Civic University Network have recently launched their report on ‘The role of HEIs in the climate action agenda’ – how can universities act as changemakers?
  9. Climate Collaboration webinar – join AUDE, EAUC and the Scottish Funding Council (22 September, 11am) for a learning session for all of us based on the decarbonisation challenges at the University of Edinburgh
  10. The government’s sustainability and climate change strategy for education was published in April. AUDE commented that there needed to be significantly more focus on how to pay for net zero than is yet available (a point picked up in the UUK briefing mentioned above).

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