
Estates Management Report 2019

22 October 2019      Cheryl Pick, Strategic Projects Manager

AUDE's Higher Education Estates Management Report 2019 is now available.

Our annual EMR work underpins the strategic decisions made in estates teams in universities across the country. It represents the hard facts and accurate data for big choices in estates management and future investment. By bench marking institutions against others, of similar size, or similar teaching/research bias, the report makes it clear that the performance of the overall university estate is as strong as it has ever been, and we should recognise and acknowledge the immense efforts of AUDE member teams across the country in delivering that.

 EMR 2019 Full report                                      AUDE EMR Summary

Download the full 2019 report                                                                  Download the executive summary
(members only)                                                                                           (public)

                                  AUDE EMR charts

                                                      Download all charts and graphs (members only)

The EMR throws a spotlight across many of the big themes that universities and estates teams are considering in 2019. One trend more than any has dominated our discussions this year, namely the demographic turning point that will soon be upon us. In two years’ time the number of UK 18-year-olds available to enter the university system reaches a low point. The trajectory of the line on the graph reverses as the number of potential undergraduates begins to grow for the first time in a decade, with all the implications for the estate, for accommodation, for space, for income, for carbon use and more that such a demographic reversal entails. Underneath the broad headline of demographic change the picture is mixed with different types of university, their traditional catchment areas, the relative pull of the big city compared to the small town, known specialisms and international reputations all having their effect on the likely rate of growth in student numbers. Now more than ever I know you will join me in recognising the immense value of the EMR data collection and support AUDE and UUK in our campaign to ensure its future.

EMR stats

AUDE creates an environment for its members in which estates professionals can ponder complexity and develop the right solutions and work such as our annual Estates Management Report is part of that professional service. It is an essential tool within the full range of support that AUDE offers to its members. The AUDE Annual Conference and Big Conversation events are unmissable parts of the HE estates management calendar, while AUDE’s Sustainability Leadership Scorecard helps senior leadership teams understand the multi-faceted challenge of delivering against the sustainability agenda in their university. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you relating to our shared interest in making university estates as successful as possible.

2019 key figures

Student numbersUniversity income

Home UndergraduateCo2

EnergyRepairs and maintenance

Cleaning costsSecurity

 *This is total income, teaching, research and other - excluding residential 

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